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Mid-Semester Newsletter (September 20th, 2020)

Writer: Theta DeuteronTheta Deuteron

Theta Deuteron Chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta

Fall-Semester Newsletter

September 20th, 2020

A picture of 35 Williams Drive (Theta Deuteron Chapter House) taken at 9:00 am on August 20th, 2020. The first day of school for Fall 2020.

(Photo by Jack Foley)

Greetings from the Brothers!

This newsletter covers and features the following:

  • Current State of Theta Deuteron

  • Recruitment Plans

  • Coulter Cup Winner

  • Archon Announcement

  • Jobs, Internships, and Events

  • Philanthropy

  • Editor's Note

Current State of Theta Deuteron

The Undergraduate Brothers at Theta Deuteron are continuously adapting to the ever-changing COVID-19 situation. We have paused/canceled social events to do our part in stopping the spread of the virus. All Phi Gamma Delta events involving large gatherings will be hosted online (Click here to view the calendar). 

Currently, the chapter has 28 Undergraduate Brothers. We had a small Fall Pledge class of 1 and are estimating a semi-normal sized Spring Pledge class. There are currently 23 Brothers living in the chapter house.

The smart wall construction was resumed on 8/24. We are currently waiting for the glass company. Final pictures will be posted on our website, and an announcement will go out on our social media accounts.

Spring 2021 Recruitment Plan

Fall 2020 Recruitment:

This fall, we have one addition to our Brotherhood! A small fall pledge class was expected due to the conditions currently challenging us. However, like in past years, a small fall pledge class isn't out of the ordinary.

Recruitment for Spring 2021:

Our last spring pledge class was a solid nine new Brothers! We are actively working around the clock to bring in a well needed, large, spring pledge class!  Some things we are doing include:

  • Hosting Delaware Park BBQs. Social distancing included!

  • Tabling to gain attention; for example, giving free donuts and coffee from 7:30 am to 10 am.

  • Participating in intramural sports (if COVID allows us to)

  • Participating in school held events, such as tailgates, tabling, etc.

  • Philanthropy events

Coulter Cup Winner

(Shown in picture Jack McKinnie, Ohio Wesleyan, 1954)

Our Theta Deuteron Brother, Jack McKinnie (1954), was awarded the 2019 Coulter Cup. The Coulter Cup is awarded to the graduate brother that has contributed the most to an undergraduate chapter through service in a capacity other than as a Purple Legionnaire or General Officer. The Theta Deuteron Undergraduates and Graduate Brothers pitched in to write and approve the recommendation letter.

We all knew you deserved it! We are all honored and proud to be your Brother, Jack!

Archon Announcement

(Shown in picture Jack Foley, Ohio Wesleyan, 2022)

The picture was taken by Brother Jordan Auriemma (Ohio Wesleyan, 2020)

Our Theta Deuteron Brother, Jack Foley (2022), was elected Archon Councilor (Undergraduate Archon) by the 172nd Ekklesia in 2020. Jack currently is Corresponding Secretary of the Theta Deuteron Chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University and a two-term IFC officer. He has been involved in several on-campus organizations, including the Economics Management Fellows Scholar, Corns, and Latham Entrepreneurial Scholar programs. Jack is a double major studying Business Administration: Management and Communication: Inter Corporate Strategy.

"Thank you to John Burns, Doug Dittrick, Jack McKinnie, Jim Link, and all the Brothers that helped and guided me through this process. P!" - Jack A. Foley

Jobs, Internships, and More!

Jack Funderburg (Class 2021)

On August 16th Jack wrapped up his 10-week internship at Quantum Health. Despite the uncertainties of this summer, he is very grateful to have had this incredible experience to help grow his knowledge and skills in finance.

(Shown to the left)

Chase Dusek (Class 2022)

This summer, Brother Dusek served as a finance and regulatory intern for Vesco Medical, a medical device company “dedicated to delivering high-quality tube-feeding products and exceptional customer support.” He spent time both working remotely and in the company’s offices. He recreated the company’s forecasting file. This process included automating the process of updating known volume needs, inventory levels, and running rates. He also created marketing materials and FDA/ISO-approved labels for international products. Also, Dusek

completed market research on competitors and macro indicators of historical and current trends whose results influenced strategic business decisions.

Peyton Larkin (Class 2021)

In Greenwich, CT, Brother Peyton Larkin spent his spring semester and summer working as a volunteer firefighter. He primarily worked on salvage operations, scene set up, traffic, and relief during tropical storm Isaiah.

(Shown to the left)

Fall 2020 Philanthropy

On September 12th through September 13th, Brothers live-streamed playing video games for 24 hours straight to raise money for the USO.

We had an incredible turnout from friends, family, graduate brothers, and undergraduate brothers from across the country. We raised a total of $409 for the USO! Thank you all for donating and watching!

Brothers who participated:

  • Jack Foley (2022)

  • Peyton Larkin (2021)

  • Ben Sobotka (2021)

  • Avery Finding (2023)

  • Elijah Adams (2023)

  • Bradley Wolford (2022)

  • Jose Matute (2021)

  • Many more that joined in playing

Donors (In no particular order):

  • Louis Yank

  • Ryan Huelsman

  • Bradley Wolford

  • OWU Kappa Kappa Gamma

  • OWU Alpha Sigma Phi

  • Richard Church

  • Avery Finding

  • Patrice Huelsman

  • Kevin Huelsman

  • Justin Dendinger

  • Jacob Dendinger

  • Evan Finding

  • Caleb Soska

  • Peter Grandon

  • Fiona Roddy

  • Alex Lothstein

(Unfortunately, there was a glitch in the link sent out to most graduate brothers. It wasn't on our side; it was, unfortunately, on the USO's side. BUT! We prevailed! So thank you to all the Graduates that attempted to donate.)

Editors' Notes

On behalf of the brothers of the Theta Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, I sincerely hope you enjoyed reading through our newsletter. Our brotherhood is always looking to achieve greatness, and it is not always possible without the help and support from our alumni and friends, just like you. 

If you would like to contact our President, Max Berry, with any questions, comments, or concerns, his contact information is as follows:


Graduate Relations Co-Chairman: Federico Mata


Graduate Relations Co-Chairman: Max Salerno


Corresponding Secretary & Undergraduate Archon: Jack Foley


The newsletter was written by Max Salerno, Federico Mata, and Jack Foley.



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